Inefficiency is STEALING Profits and Productivity! | Rachel Lemcke

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Stop wasting your time and your money.

It happens to all of us from time to time. We get stuck in a rut, running through our processes the same way we’ve always done them. It works, but does it work well? This is why we’ve got to stop and ask ourselves: is this the highest and best use of our time and resources?

Today’s guest, Rachel Lemcke, is here to talk about improving the efficiency of veterinary practices, starting with the laboratory. Rachel is the owner of Amwell Data Services, a full service independent veterinary laboratory consulting agency. She formed Amwell Data Services to help give veterinarians and their teams more margin with the larger goal of helping make careers in veterinary medicine more sustainable.

To contact Rachel, please send her an email at:

To check out Amwell Data Services, please visit:

Amwell Data Services

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Jamie O'Kane